So, the past few days I've done a lot of fun things - all things that, as they were happenning, I thought "this kind of stuff only happens in college." Let me explain.
This weekend was great. I had a really stressful week last week, so it was so nice to have a relaxing weekend. Scott and I spent Friday together just hanging out. We took an adventure to Van Wert (about 45 mintes away) so he could go to his bank, which was fun, then we just kind of hung around and relaxed - perfect Friday afternoon activities. Then Friday night was the Root Beer Keg Party! PALS (peer awareness leaders), a really great organization on campus, has this event every year and it is so much fun - basically it's like a big dance party and they have kegs of root beer there. It was so much fun to dance all night with my friends and Scott - we definitely laughed a lot and Scott even won a brand new iPod to top the evening off. After the party me and the girls just hung out and laughed a lot. Root beer keg party, laughing until the wee hours of the morning with friends... only in college :)
Saturday was a totally wonderful day. I slept in and then went out for lunch with two of my friends here, Hannah and Anna (hannah is my roomie :) ) and we had a good time riding with the top down in Hannah's jeep. After that I was just kind of lazy and didn't do much...caught up on facebook, watched a little bit of the Notre Dame game, read a little bit, etc. Then in the evening I got ready and Scott took me out for a great date - we went out to dinner and a movie. yay! It was so great to just hang out with him. We discovered a great new restaurant, saw a great new movie, and had super great conversation - yay for great dates :).

On Sunday we got up and went to Sunday Morning Worship, then it was homework day. Reading, reading, reading all day long. Luckily there was "fall fest" in the middle there where student organizations set up booths and we go and have fun - I made cards and had my face painted! This was the kickoff to Spiritual Life Week. But anyways, back to the homework... It was my fault, really... I have had a PR project that I have known about for about 5-6 weeks now, and just decided to start on it yesterday. It was a long book review, along with a presentation and handout. Not too bad, if I would've started on it earlier. Luckily both Scott and one of my best friends, Carol, also hadn't started on their projects, so we were all up late. We were chatting as we were doing our projects and wondering why we had waited this long. We all went on a McDonald's run around 2 in the morning, and Carol and I locked ourselves out, so we had to call one of our friends to come and let us in... sigh... it was a long night :). We finally turned in around 5:30ish in the morning. dang. that's so late to be up! Oh well :). About an hour later I got up and went to a breakfast to thank the building and grounds staff here - needless to say, that's kind of a blur rom being so tired. Then I went back to bed for about another hour and half before I got ready and tackled a long Monday. Only in college would we stay up until 5:30 in the morning doing a project, then go through the whole day on 2.5ish hours of sleep. I love it :).
Tonight was one of my favorite events of the year, "Battle of the Airbands." It's a competition that is held every year during Spiritual Life Week (a week devoted to spiritual life activities - it is such a great week and I look forward to it every fall and spring!). My first year here me and my friends won the competition and then sophomore year we just sat back and watched. Junior year and this year me and one of my best friends MCed the competition. It is so much fun to have a part in that and make people laugh. Only in college is there a competition based solely on airbands, and how well they dance and act like they're really in a band :).

Here's to late nights, root beer keg parties, and airbands,
picture: me and scott at the rb keg party, me and my friend Jill at the rb keg party, and three of my friends competing in the airband competition.
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