Well, this weekend was the annual MCB retreat. I've been on MCB (our activity planning board) on campus since my freshman year and it's been such a great thing for me. I love seeing people have fun, and MCB is the perfect group to be in for that. We plan activities for the campus and we have around 3 activities every week. They range from bingo, to dodgeball, to giant dutch blitz, to drive-in movies. It has been such a great way for me to meet so many wonderful people and have a blast. It's kind of weird that it's my last year on MCB, it's definitely something that I'm going to miss a lot when I leave Bluffton.

Every year we go on a retreat to bond as a board and also to work on planning some events for the coming months. This year we went to Ashland (Northeast), Ohio and had some rockin' good times. We worked on planning some events for Spring semester, ate out a couple of times, took a 7 mile canoe trip, hung out at our chairperson's (and one of my closest friends) house, did some fun mixers and energizers and definitely laughed a LOT! We're a smaller board this year, there are only 10 of us, so it was so neat to bond and get closer. Some of my best friends are on the board too, so it was great to spend a weekend off campus with them. I laughed so hard that I had tears running down my face multiple times, which is my favorite! I had never gone canoeing for a long trip before, so that was fun and a new experience... we only almost tipped over 3 times, but never did (thank goodness - the water was freezing...).
We came back today and all settled back into the school routine. Lots of people worked on homework, but I was lucky because I had so much last week that I don't have much this week, which is great. So, I went over to Scott's and just hung out and watched football (actually, he watched football... I slept) then just hung out with the girls tonight. I'm really excited about this week because it's Homecoming week, so there are tons of great events going on before the game on Saturday - I will definitely have lots to write about next time.
Here's to fun retreats and homecoming week,
picture: people having fun playing dutch blitz at an MCB event.
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