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More Than Just Watching The Show
Grey’s Anatomy is quite the phenomenon on this campus. The show has obviously taken the nation by storm as the past three seasons have been enormously successful, and the Grey’s craze is no different here on campus. Every Thursday night people (mostly the ladies on campus) gather to settle in with their blankets and best friends for an hour of drama. For most, though, the Thursday night rituals are less about the show and more about time to hang out with the girls. Me and my friends love the show, there is no doubt about that, but while meetings, homework, and other commitments take us from our rooms all during the week, Grey’s is the one time where we know we will all be together for a precious hour of time together. We have cried together, laughed together, and been in shock together at the show and in a weird way, I feel like it has brought us closer as a group of friends. It’s just something that we all use to take our minds off the stresses of daily life and I truly cherish Thursday nights with Grey’s and the girls. College is so awesome for things like that – we all could watch Grey’s by ourselves in our rooms at home, but when we all live steps away it is so much more fun to watch it together. Oh college life…
Here’s to Grey’s night,
Marypicture: I didn't have one of grey's, so just a thumbs up for grey's night
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