This past week was nice because, as mentioned in my last post, it was quite a bit less busy than normal...excellent. Even though it wasn't quite as crazy as most weeks, I was still ready for a relaxing weekend when Friday came around. Friday afternoon Scott and I watched "Mr.Holland's Opus"... good movie, invest some time in that if you haven't already. Then one of the girls upstairs cooked all of us dinner - delicious! It was really nice to just hang out and enjoy some great food and wonderful conversation. We just hung around for awhile... some of the girls starting crafting and watching a movie, others worked on a little bit of homework... Friday night was well underway. I headed to Marbeck (our student union) to set up for Marbeck After Dark. This week we had a PlayStation night where we played DDR, Guitar Hero and Karaoke Revolution - needless to say, good times were had. I didn't stay the whole time because I wasn't needed to help cleanup, so around 11:30ish I went over to spend some time with Scott. It was so nice, we went on a long walk and had an amazing conversation. It is so nice to unwind after a long week with a beautiful walk around Bluffton at night with wonderful conversation. It's one of my favorite things to do - walk along holding Scott's hand and talk for hours. Sorry, that was more information than you probably care to know. Anywho, I eventually went back to my room and headed to bed... Friday = super great.
Saturday I got up and got ready for a date day with Scott. I made one of his favorite meals and even some "go ND" brownies (unfortunately the Irish still did not win, but hey, they played better in the first half, right?). After lunch we played games and enjoyed some time just laughing together. After that we watched the first half of the Notre Dame game was really fun - being with Scott has helped me learn quite a bit about football :).
After the first half of the game Scott left and I headed to Findlay with one of my best friends to go out to dinner and just catch up. We had a much needed and great conversation about how we're doing and what's going on in our lives and it was just so awesome to catch up. We were roommates for the first two years we were here at Bluffton, so the past two years we've had to make more time to keep in touch and it was awesome to have dinner with her and reconnect.
When I came back home I just hung out here for awhile with two of my friends and we just talked a little bit and hung out together in the lobby. We then all parted ways and I headed back over to keep Scott company while he was on duty. We rearranged his room, played some Notre Dame football trivia and just hung out and watched tv.
Saturday = absolutely wonderful
Today (Sunday) I just got up and me, Scott, and Jill went to church and then came back for lunch and homework. I worked on getting some advertisements done for MCB and then Scott and I hung out and just talked for a bit this afternoon. Then me and Melisa had a floor activity for all of the girls here in our hall and we made an organic/vegetarian dinner for everyone. It was really good and helped promote our campus-wide theme of environmental awareness. After dinner we all hung out and watched tv and definitely laughed a lot. After that I just got some random things done like laundry and homework and also spent a lot of time laughing with the girls :). Unfortunately the gallon challenge didn't work out again tonight - It looks like nobody wants to compete against Scott...but I'm sure he'll talk more about that in his post. Sunday = really great.

I'm feeling really relaxed and ready to get through another week of amazing life at Bluffton. I love this place so much and love the people that it has brought into my life. I love my friends, I love Scott and I love who I am when I'm in this place. I really love Bluffton, and hope you check it out and learn to love it too. I feel like everyone deserves to have this place in their life.
Here's to wonderful weekends and love,
pictures: me and Scott with the brownies, me and Anna having fun, and Ashley enjoying her organic dinner :)
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