This past Friday was the first baseball game of the season for the Bluffton Beavers. It was wonderful to hear that the men were going to have a season and be able to play after the tragic bus accident 4 weeks ago. On Friday everyone was anxious for the game and ready to show some Beaver spirit and go cheer the boys on. Scott and I went out to the field and met some friends about 45 minutes before the game and it was already packed. There were students, parents, community members, media, and other supporters all over the place as the team took on Mount St. Joe for an emotional opening day. It was amazing to see so many people cheering on the team and honoring the memory of the 5 players that were killed in the accident. After a few words and a prayer from President Harder, the game began and it was awesome to hear the crowd after every play the Beavers made.
The double-header on Saturday was great too - again, there were a lot of people there to cheer on the baseball team as they split the games with Mount St.Joe.
I was once again awestruck at the support that is out there for our school. We all thank you so much for the prayers and support through this difficult time.
This weekend has been an awesome one - watching baseball, hanging out with friends and Scott, and enjoying this beautiful first day of April - life is good. And, the St.Louis Cardinals play their opening regular-season game today too! I love baseball, and it's been all around this weekend. Go Bluffton, and Go Cardinals!
I hope life is treating you all well too - enjoy the sunshine :)
Until next time...
Mary :)