How amazing was this weekend? Sooo amazing!
It started off Friday night with a trip with MCB (the activity planning board on campus) to a Dayton Bombers Hockey Game. It was so fun to ride down there with about 30 students and watch a great hockey game. Me and one of my friends bought these foam fingers and really got into the game, making it even more of a great time.
Saturday I went to a comedy day that the radio station put on. For like 3 hours I watched stand up comedy and ate pizza with friends - such a great time! Saturday night I went out for dinner and coffee and had a blast just hanging out and talking. I love getting to know people better and college is such a great venue for that. There is so much time to just talk with people and learn who they are what they are about. That is one of my favorite things about college - the opportunity that is there to really get to know people. After dinner and coffee, me and another friend just sat up and "girl talked" all night, which was fun, of course.
On Sunday I pretty much just hung around all day, playing in the snow with some girls. We had a blast - the snow really brings out the "little kid" in us. We just went sledding and jumped around in the snow all afternoon...what fun! Then in the evening I went to dinner and walmart with a friend.
This was pretty close to the perfect weekend! I got to hang out with people all weekend long and it was so nice to relax and enjoy being with friends.
Have a great week!
Until next time,
Until next time,