Marbeck After Dark (MAD) has officially kicked off on Bluffton's campus. A committee of four (myself included) have taken the initiative to start a Friday night program oncampus. Marbeck Center Board (MCB - the activity planning board on campus) often has events on Friday nights, but the four of us (all MCB members) have commited to having events going on from 10:00p.m.-2:00a.m. every single Friday night. Events include things like Euchre tournaments, crafts, movie showings, open mic nights, giant dutch blitz, etc. This week we had an open mic night, along with a dutch blitz tournament and giant dutch blitz! There were at least 60 people there having a blast all night long - a great turnout for the first MAD ever. These events are free to students and a great way to take a break from studying on Friday night and have fun with friends. Fun is never hard to find at Bluffton.
Here is a picture from the loft of everyone hanging out at MAD.
I also love that first time that this beautiful campus is blanketed with snow, so I wanted to share :).
Until next time,
Here is a picture from the loft of everyone hanging out at MAD.
I also love that first time that this beautiful campus is blanketed with snow, so I wanted to share :).
Until next time,