God answers prayers, that's for sure. The last three weeks of school have been busier than I could have imagined. With my internships, activities, classes, etc. I often felt like I hardly had time to breathe. I was not ready to start this week, feeling exhausted already when it was just Monday. Then, God came through like He always does :). I had my internship cancelled one day this week, two classes cancelled, AND a long meeting cancelled! woo hoo! I was finally able to catch up on homework and other random things I've been putting off. It felt so good to get a paper done days early, get an internship project that's been lingering on finished, and most importantly, have more time to sit on the futon in my room and laugh until my stomach hurt with my friends. Needless to say, it's been a good week. It should be a nice and relaxing weekend, too. Friday afternoon I'm hanging out with Scott (it's a tradition :) ), then dinner with the girls and Marbeck After Dark. Saturday I've got a little date day planned for Scott, then the Notre Dame game is on - the verdict is still out as to whether or not I'll watch that with him ;), then dinner with one of my best friends. Sunday, church and chill, I would assume. Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me!! I hope you're feelin' good, readers. Remember to breathe, and if it feels impossible, make sure to pray about it - God will find you some time in your busy schedule :)
Here's to answered prayers,
picture: random one of me at Marbeck After Dark last week. good times.
Here's to answered prayers,
picture: random one of me at Marbeck After Dark last week. good times.
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